
城市保留拒绝任何和所有投标的权利. 除特别注明外,所有时间均为中央标准时间.


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4M CONSULTING. The 明尼苏达城市联盟 (LMC) is requesting proposals for consulting services related to a review of its local government investment pool (LGIP) known as the 4M Fund. 目前,400万基金的资产总额约为1美元.750亿美元,服务于明尼苏达州450个地方澳门网络娱乐游戏平台实体. The goals of the analysis include: ensuring members are receiving the best possible service from its administrator/investment advisor, 托管人/银行合作伙伴, and the LMC; benchmarking yield, fees, and other common metrics as determined by LMC and the consultant to evaluate performance of the various products of the 4M Fund; highlighting other options for enhancement of products; and establishing a schedule for periodically evaluating vendor relationships. For more information, 请查看完整的RFP, 4M 2023审计财务报表, and a 最近4M咨询委员会资料包的一部分. UPDATED ON 7/2: 请参阅对问题的答复pdf. Questions about this request for proposals must be in writing and submitted to Mark Ruff (mruff@kurdbusiness.net) by June 24, 2024. 提案必须提交至mruff@kurdbusiness.net by July 17, 2024.

AIRPORT CONSULTING. The City of Worthington desires to retain the professional services of a qualified airport consulting firm for a period of up to five-years to assist the Worthington Municipal Airport (OTG) in the completion of airport projects included in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). 所需的专业服务包括工程(初步), design, bidding, 建造及关闭阶段), planning, environmental studies, 和其他相关的专业服务,以完成在CIP上列出的项目. 有关RFQ的详细副本,请发送电子邮件 twietzema@ci.worthington.mn.us  或联系Todd Wietzema, 沃辛顿市(507)372-8650. 资料应不迟于下午4点提交.m. on July 19, 2024.

CITY MANAGER EVALUATION. The City of Edina is seeking RFPs for a consultant to facilitate the City Manager’s Evaluation. The selected consultant will assist with the City Manager’s performance evaluation, 暂定于今年12月举行, and will be responsible for conducting the review and facilitating the debrief with the City Council and City Manager. 更多信息和完整的RFP可通过查看我们的 website. RFP截止日期为7月26日下午4点,问题应在7月24日之前提交.

商业楼宇拆除. Notice is herby given that proposals will be received by the City of Blue Earth for demolition of the property located in Blue Earth, 包裹编号为212009690, 212009700, 212009710 (126, 128, and 130 S Main Street, Blue Earth, MN 56013). Proposals received later than 12:00 pm on Friday, July 12, 2024 will not be considered. A copy of this Request for Proposal (RFP) may be obtained from the City’s website at www.becity.org. Questions should be directed to Mary Kennedy, City Administrator at 507-526-7336 or mkennedy@becity.org

合同法律服务. The City of Eagan is requesting proposals from qualified firms for legal services in the following 3 areas: City Attorney/General Legal Services, 劳动律师/劳动法律服务, 及检控服务. Interested firms may submit a proposal for one or more of the legal services requested in this RFP document. Please note that proposals for more than one of the three services must be submitted as separate documents. 招标书可在伊根市网站上查阅 www.cityofeagan.com, or via email request to Ashleigh Sullivan, Assistant to the City Administrator, at asullivan@cityofeagan.com. 提案必须在2024年8月2日星期五下午4:30之前收到.

公共工程设施空间需求评估.  The City of Forest Lake is seeking proposals from qualified architectural/engineering firms to perform a Public Works Facility Space Needs Assessment for the facility located at 843 4th St. SW. 这将包括(1)概述现有的公共工程设施, 所有目前用于存放公共工程设备和用品的建筑物, 以及其他位于拟建土地上的建筑物, (2) determine if existing Public Works Facility has reached its useful life or can be rehabbed or modified to meet current needs and (3) provide an updated space program for the City of Forest Lake Public Works Department.  A full copy of the Request for Proprosals and instructions is available on the city’s website www.ci.forest-lake.mn.us 或发邮件给临时城市管理员克里斯蒂娜·汉特, kristina.handt@ci.forest-lake.mn.us 提案截止时间是下午4点.m. 2024年7月15日星期一.

南康科德走廊书房. The City of South St. Paul is seeking to enter a contract with a consultant to provide consulting services to conduct a market study and help develop a cohesive vision for the South Concord Corridor. The consultant will then assist City Staff with undertaking zoning map and future land use map updates and zoning ordinance updates to implement the vision. The “South Concord Corridor” refers to land that is in the southeastern corner of South St. Paul between Interstate 494 and the community’s southern border with Inver Grove Heights. 招标书的全文可在该项目的网站上找到: http://www.southstpaul.org/909/South-Concord-Corridor-Study-Request-for. Questions about this request for proposal should be directed to Planning Manager Michael Healy at mhealy@southstpaul.org or 651-554-43217. 提案必须在7月23日星期二下午4:30之前提交.

27号干线公路铁路等级分隔. The City of Little Falls is seeking proposals for preliminary engineering services for a grade separation project of Trunk Highway 27 over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroad tracks located between Paul Larson Memorial Drive and First Street Northwest, Little Falls. The selected organization must have the necessary resources to support the City throughout the project. The main objectives of the project include developing a preferred alternative with an approved geometric layout and environmental document, 以及完成诸如创建详细的横截面之类的任务, 界定建筑界限, acquiring right of way, 并获得相关部门的必要批准.  有兴趣的公司可以下载完整的RFP www.cityoflittlefalls.com. 如有任何查询,请联络 gregk@ci.little-falls.mn.us. 提案必须在上午11:59之前提交.m. 2024年7月9日,星期二,CT. 

TWIN HOMES CONSTRUCTION. The City of Lamberton and their EDA invites proposals for the construction of twin homes on fully serviced, ready-to-build lots. This project, 以限制性契约为指导, aims to enhance local housing options in line with the ongoing Redwood County housing study. Qualified developers and builders are encouraged to submit their designs and project plans. 欲获得RFP的完整副本,请与Valerie Halter联系 vhalter@lambertonmn.com or 507-752-7601 or http://www.lambertonmn.com/rfps-request-for-proposals 提案截止日期为2024年8月1日. We look forward to your participation in this initiative to improve Lamberton’s residential landscape.

WEBSITE CONSULTING. 阿尔伯特利亚市正在寻求重新设计和更新其网站的建议 http://cityofalbertlea.org. The purpose of the RFP is to retain a vendor to redesign the menu structure of the City of Albert Lea website at, update its webpages, 将网页迁移到新的结构, 并培训市政工作人员如何维护新建筑. 城市目前使用WordPress作为其内容管理系统. 而市澳门网络娱乐游戏平台更愿意继续使用WordPress, 它对考虑其他内容管理系统持开放态度. 提案截止时间是下午5点.m. 合同预计将于8月初授予. 完整的RFP,请访问 http://cityofalbertlea.org/rfps/. 问题可以直接问凯西·马拉科夫斯基, 参与/充实主任, at 507-377-4316 or cmalakowsky@ci.albertlea.mn.us.